Ladybug Symbolism

ladybug symbolism superstitions

Lucky Ladybug: Superstitions and Symbolism

Ladybug symbolism is all about good luck around the globe. There seems to be some confusion to the name. Is it ladybug or ladybird?

In Europe the term ladybird is most common. In the United States more people use the word ladybug instead of the ladybird.

If a ladybug lands on you, be careful not to brush it off. Stay very still and count the spots. The number of spots will reveal the number of months you will enjoy good luck.

The stronger the color red is on the ladybug, the better your luck will be.

Others believe you get to make a wish if a ladybug lands on your hand. The number of spots will be equivalent to the number of months (some say years) before your wish comes true.

Keep your wish a secret, don’t tell anyone what it is. If you do you just might jinx it.

In Iran the ladybug foretells that good news is coming your way. We really like that notion.

Ladybugs as a Symbol of Protection

During the Middle Ages it was common belief that the ladybug symbolized protection.

Stories were told about farmers who were desperate because aphids were ruining their crops. The farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help.

The Virgin Mary responded to their distressed situation and sent thousands of ladybugs to annihilate the aphids, thus saving their crop.

The ladybird has been and still is used as a talisman for safety and protection against all harm.

As a symbol of keeping the person wearing images of ladybugs safe and healthy we can see why ladybugs on baby and child clothing is consistently popular.

Knowing the ladybug symbolism also includes love, joy and prosperity, any person would happily give gifts with ladybug images on them.

Ladybug Symbolism: Love

Common folk belief tells that if a ladybug/ladybird crawls over an unwed woman’s hand, she will be married within a year.

lucky ladybug

This lady-fly I take from the grass

Whose spotted back might scarlet red surpass?

Fly, lady-bird; north, south, or east or west

Fly where the man is found that I love best.

John Gay, The Shepherd’s Week –  1714

Ladybug Symbolism and the Newborn Baby

As mentioned earlier ladybugs bring security and good fortune, but there is still another reason why babies should have something containing ladybug symbolism.

Ladybugs are considered very lucky for babies
It is said ladybugs showers the baby with auspicious blessings.

In Italy the ladybug has been given the nickname “commaruccia” which translates “little midwives”.

The ladybug symbolism of abundant blessings has led to ladybugs being ever popular on all clothing and all kinds of other stuff for children and adults alike.

Ladybugs as a Symbol of Self-Reliance

All though the ladybugs may be tiny creatures, they are well capable of protecting themselves from larger predators.

When the ladybug is endangered it will release a ghastly scent which the predator will find so repulsive it will go elsewhere to find its next meal.

After observing this kind of action, people have said that the ladybug is a good example and a symbol of self-reliance no matter how small a creature is.

Ladybug and the Virgin Mary

It has long been claimed in folklore that the ladybug was a favorite to the Virgin Mary.

This little create has been associated with Mary, mother of Jesus for centuries.

Some say the seven spots on ladybugs represent the Seven Sorrows of Mary; others say they represent the Seven Joys of Mary.

Killing a Ladybug

Killing a ladybug is considered extremely bad luck.

If you should be so unfortunate you killed a ladybug it is told you will be in the Virgin Mary’s Bad book for nine days. This is certainly not something to desire.

In the Netherlands ladybird images are used on street tiles to symbolize a protest against irrational violence.

How to Make 3D Ladybug Model

One thing is for sure; kids love ladybugs. I will never forget the huge smile on my granddaughter’s face when a ladybug landed on her hand.

It was a beautiful tiny creature. As if she distinctly knew to keep still, she froze and with a bare whisper uttered the word “look”. She was amazed and so honored.

She spoke of the ladybug for days. Kids certainly are fascinated by all living creatures, but ladybugs are something special.

Recently I was introduced to a website called To say the least I was impressed.

I found a page explaining step by step How to Make 3D Ladybug Model for kids. It is a great activity to do at home or school. I do believe kids will enjoy this arts and craft project!

As an extra bonus the webpage describes the four stages of the ladybug using illustrations as well as text explaining the life cycle of the ladybug.

Kids can have fun as well as learn about our favorite lucky insect.  So, there you have it; a fun activity for a rainy day indoors.



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