Anniversary Gemstones

Anniversary Gemstones

Anniversary gemstones are the perfect gifts for any wedding anniversary. It makes a wonderful tradition.

As the years pass your wife or husband will have a beautiful collection of jewelry or gemstones.

Each gemstone will hold a special memory. These gifts hold great sentimental value.

Gifting a gemstone or jewelry containing the gemstone of the year also shows you have put extra thought and love into your gift. Unlike flowers, these wedding anniversary gifts last forever.

1st Anniversary Gemstone

1st Anniversary Gemstones: Gold – Alternative: Freshwater Pearls

Gold Year 1

Gold marks the very first wedding anniversary. Hopefully the first year has been a loving and exciting adventure.

The first year starting with a honeymoon has been completed. You may want to choose a gold heart charm or simply a gold necklace or ring.

Another idea is a gold wishbone charm. The wishbone charm when made from gold is the luckiest of all charms.

Wearing this may make your wishes come true. One of the wishes just might be a long and happy life together.

Gold is associated with the sun and the heart. This shows warmth and deep love. It is a gift of true affection. Gold is purity and perfection. It is also a symbol of enlightenment.

Alternative 1st year: Freshwater Pearls

pearls year 1

Pearls are understanding, purity and love.

They have been extremely loved for thousands of years.

They have not lost their popularity!

Pearls are the main gemstone for the third wedding anniversary and are connected to Venus, the goddess of love.

2nd Anniversary Gemstones

Garnet gemstone year 2

Garnet marks the second wedding anniversary. This stone represents genuine friendship. The honeymoon days are over and the daily routines start to come into place.

The first jittery feelings of being madly in love have settled. In its place comes a profound and sincere friendship.

The garnet symbolizes that not only is your spouse your lover, but also your best friend. You are there for each other.

You support your spouse during tough times and you are happy when your partner has success.

The garnet as a second wedding anniversary gift symbolizes that you are equal partners and best friends forever. Garnet is also the birthstone of January.

Alternative 2nd Anniversary Gemstone: Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz stone year 2

The Rose Quartz may be a common gemstone, but it truly has a beautiful symbolism.

This gemstone is known to represent love and loyalty. What a perfect statement to make on your second anniversary! You love your spouse and intend to stay loyal.

If you are not into jewelry, there are many lovely alternative gifts made from Rose Quartz.

3rd Anniversary Gemstones

3rd Anniversary Gemstones: Pearl – Alternative: Crystal

Pearls year 3

Pearls are a beautiful gift for the third wedding anniversary. A pearl symbolizes wisdom, purity and perfection.

Married three years you should now truly appreciate the wisdom and the beauty of your partner.

Pearls have a long history of being a symbol of high status.

Gifting something containing one or more pearls is recognizing the high status your spouse has in your life. This is about showing you honor, respect and adore your spouse.

Pearls are strongly associated with the mighty goddess of love in Ancient Greece called Aphrodite.

In Ancient Rome they called the goddess of love Venus. Give the love of your life pearls overflowing with the energy of the love goddess.

Alternative 3rd Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Crystal

Crystal year 3

Crystals are magical. They create harmony and optimism.

Crystals represent a bright sunny future. They could easily be associated with the song “Walking on sunshine”.

In Feng Shui crystals create a yang energy.

Yang is the energy of the sun. It is bright and it is fire. Yang is heaven.

4th Anniversary Gemstone

4th Anniversary Gemstones: Blue Topaz – Alternative: Amethyst

Blue Topaz year 4

The Blue Topaz is a wonderful gift for the 4th wedding anniversary. Being married for four years some things you do may bug your partner.

It could be innocent little bad habits. The Blue Topaz is surrounded by accounts that say this stone will help eliminate anger.

The Blue Topaz is also known to attract love and admiration from your spouse. So, make the day perfect with a Blue Topaz.

Alternative 4th Anniversary Stone: Amethyst

Amethyst year 4

The Amethyst can be found in different shades of purple and sometimes in green.

It has been a favorite among royals for years. The British Crown Jewels contains several pieces of Amethyst.

It is often referred to as “The stone of peace” and “The stone of love”.

5th Anniversary Gemstone

Sapphire year 5

Renew your love life with a Sapphire.

The gorgeous sapphire is believed to have superior powers which are very beneficiary for lovers. Show your spouse he or she is the love of your life with a sapphire.

Sapphires have been and are a favorite among royalty. Your spouse certainly is more important than any royal person out there.

Sapphire is also the birthstone of September.

6th Anniversary Gemstones

Amethyst year 6

Amethyst was the favorite stone of Saint Valentine. Legend has it the Valentine always wore an amethyst stone.

Saint Valentine has become the universal symbol of love. Saint Valentine’s Day, February 14th is very much associated with lovers.

This is truly a “Love Stone” used to express sincere devotion.

Amethyst is also the birthstone of February.

Garnet is also the 2nd anniversary gemstone.

Alternative 6th Anniversary Gemstone: Garnet

Garnet year 6

It is all about renewing your friendship.

After six years of marriage the bond of friendship should be growing very strong.

It is also known as “The Stone of Compassion”.

7th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone

Onyx year 7

We have all heard about the seven-year itch theory. It seems many believe the seventh year is a critical time for married couples.

Divorce rates are high at this stage. Either the coupes now adapt to each other or go their separate ways. Make a special effort to secure your marriage.

Onyx is the 7th wedding anniversary gemstone. The onyx gemstone known to eliminate negative thoughts.

We all certainly could use those powers from time to time. Many believe it will help you make good and wise decisions.

8th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone

Tourmaline year 8

Tourmalines are absolutely stunning. These stones have a variety of colors. As you study the stone from different angles you may notice how the color shifts.

Now that you have survived the seven-year itch, tourmaline is the perfect wedding anniversary gemstone.

Many speak of the Tourmaline as “The stone of wisdom”. It is said that Tourmalines will help strengthen your relationship with your lover and friend.

9th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

Lapis Lazuli year 9

The beautiful Lapis Lazuli blue stone is a stone of heaven.

It is rumored to strengthen love and have no doubts that you and your spouse will remain faithful to each other.

This stone makes the special ties that keep your marriage safe and sound.

Alternative 9th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye stone year 9

Tiger´s Eye is the stone of independence. As a married couple it is important to respect each other as two individuals. Each may have specific dreams and goals.

Giving a Tiger´s Eye is symbolic of you respecting and supporting the goal your spouse is aiming for.

10th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

Diamond year 10

Diamonds are traditionally often used in engagement and wedding rings.

Now that you have your first jubilee, it is a great time to recreate the magic from the day you decided to spend the rest of your lives together.

Be sure to put some romance into this special day.

Alternative 10th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire year 10

As with the diamond, the Blue Sapphire is often used in engagement rings.

The sapphire is often referred to as the “Stone of Destiny”.

Your destiny may be to maintain a strong and loving relationship with your husband or wife.

11th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

11th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones: Turquoise – Alternative: Citrine

Turquoise year 11

The Turquoise stone has been known as a lucky stone for centuries. It has been used to ensure success and help prevent poverty.

Having money problems is not healthy in a marriage. It may be time to put a Turquoise and take action. It is high time to make goals and dreams a reality.

Alternative 11th Anniversary Gemstone: Citrine

Citrine year 11

One of the qualities Citrine gemstone is know for is to increase the flow of money into your life. It should remind you to think like a wealthy person.

See opportunities and not obstacles. It’s time to look for those open doors.

Open your eyes and mind to all the possibilities that can make your bank account grow nice and fat.

12th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

12th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones: Jade – Alternative: Agate

Jade gemstone year 12

Jade is considered one of the most precious stones in China. There are very many believes and uses for jade.

As this page is on marriage and partnerships, we will focus on that side on the matter. In this context jade is suppose to give your lovemaking a boost.

It also strengthens the bond of a couple spiritually. Earlier it was a tradition that a couple who got married gave each other a piece of jade on their wedding day as a symbol of their everlasting love.

Alternative 12th Anniversary gemstone: Agate

Agate year 12

Agate comes in many beautiful colors. It is a stone which is said to give new energy to whoever wears it. It encourages change.

If your marriage has become a little dull and your days are mostly routine, maybe an agate could help to bring some excitement back. It is time to fire up!

13th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

13th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones: Citrine – Alternative: Moonstone

Citrine gemstones year 13

Citrine is a prosperity gemstone. It is used to increase and attract wealth into the life of the owner.

Don’t we all wish to overflow our loved one with wealth?

Give a Citrine gemstone on the 13th wedding anniversary so that your partner may attract the prosperity he or she truly deserves.

Alternative 13th Anniverary Gemstone: Moonstone

Moonstone year 13

The Moonstone has been used for centuries to enhance romance and true passion in a relationship.

After being married 13 years it may be time to renew the excitement and joys lovers should share.

It is time again to fall deeply in love again with your best friend, spouse and lover.

14th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

14th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones: Opal – Alternative: Moss Agate

Opal year 14

Opal is the national stone of Australia and also the birthstone of October.

It seems like the colors of the rainbow are contained in this beautiful stone.

It is said that Opal will bring out the natural beauty of the wearer. Many do wear the Opal to reduce stress and negative thoughts.

It is rumored that Opal is only lucky for people born in October.

Alternative 14th Anniversary Gemstone: Moss Agate

Moss Agate year 14

Moss Agate is the green version of Agate.

Agate is also the alternative gemstone for the 12th wedding anniversary.

This year you need to get the green Moss Agate.

It symbolizes harmony and making the time you spend together more pleasant.

15th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones

15th Wedding Anniversary Gemstones: Ruby – Alternative: Crystal

Ruby year 15

The precious red Ruby is love. It represents the strong connection between a couple.

It also protects against quarrels to ensure a continuous harmonious relationship.

Ruby is also the birthstone of those born in July.

Alternative for the 15th Anniversary: Crystal

Crystal year 15

Crystal is also the alternative gift for the 3rd anniversary. There are so many truly beautiful things made of crystals.

You don’t have to get jewelry.

Crystals represent the sun and the warmth.

After 15 years of marriage, you certainly can say there has been plenty of sunny days to remember.

16th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone

16th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Peridot

Peridot gemstone year 16

The beautiful green Peridot has been popular throughout history. It has a long reputation of being a lucky stone.

The Peridot brings the wearers good fortune and mental strength to be able to face any challenging situation which they may encounter.

The Peridot is also the birthstone for those born in August.

17th Wedding Anniversary

17th Wedding Anniversary: Watches – Alternative: Cornelian

Watches year 17

Well, this year suddenly is different. The main gift is no a gemstone, it is a watch. Who would have though? Time certainly flies by.

Get your spouse a fancy watch and make an appointment for a romantic evening together. Don’t be late!

Alternative Year 17 Anniversary Gemstone: Cornelian

Cornelian gemstone year 17

If you want to stick with jewelry, there is still hope. You can get a piece with a Cornelian, sometimes spelled Carnelian.

We prefer to use Cornelian as its root is from the Latin word “cor” meaning heart, ergo “The heart stone”.

Carnelian has its root from the Latin word “carne” meaning flesh or meat.

18th Anniversary Gemstone

18th Anniversary Gemstone: Cat’s Eye

Actually, the name of this stone is Chrysoberyl. The glowing yellowish chrysoberyl version is called cymophane or Cat’s Eye. Cat’s Eye has been used as a protective stone.

It has been used to protect against the evil eye. We want too keep our spouse safe from all jealous people who have no good intentions. Stay happy and safe.

19th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone

19th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Aquamarine

Aquamarine gemstone year 19

Aquamarine is a stone that is told to have a calming effect. Life in our time and age can become very stressful.

It to put on an Aquamarine and try to relax and enjoy spending time with the most important person in your life; your spouse.

Aquamarine is also the birthstone for those born in March.

20th Anniversary Gemstone

20th Anniversary Gemstone: Emerald

Emerald year 20

Both the 20th and 35th anniversary have the Emerald as its stone.

The Emerald is the stone representing unconditional love.

No ifs or buts, just pure love.

It is the perfect gift for the person you love with all your heart.

21st Anniversary Gemstone

21st Anniversary Gemstone: Iolite

Iolite gemstone year 21

The name Iolite comes from the Greek word “ion” which means violet flower.

The Violet used to be ultimate flower given on Valentine’s Day.

On old Valentine’s cards you may see pictures of violets, not roses.

The violet flower is associated with the Greek goddess of love and beauty called Aphrodite.

22nd Anniversary Gemstone

22nd Anniversary Gemstone: Spinel

Spinel gemstone year 22

The Spinel comes in several different colors; red, pink purple and blue. The red Spinel has many times in the past been mistaken for the Ruby.

It has the nickname “The Master of Disguise”.

Spinel is thought to be helpful to sailors in aiding them with the navigation. So, maybe you should spend this anniversary at sea?

23rd Anniversary Gemstone

23rd Anniversary Gemstone: Imperial Topaz

Imperial Topaz gem year 23

The Topaz is the gemstone for both the 4th and the 23rd anniversary.

On the 4th you get the Blue Topaz, this time you get the Imperial Topaz. The Imperial Topaz has a golden color which is absolute glory.

In Ancient Egypt the stone was strongly associated with Ra, the Sun god. It was used as a protection against harm.

Bring the warmth of the sun’s rays into your marriage with the Imperial Topaz.

24th Anniversary Gemstone

24th Anniversary Gemstone: Tanzanite

Imperial Topaz gem year 23

The Tanzanite stone is stunning! It is a relatively “new” gemstone discovered in 1967 in Tanzania, Africa.

It is much rarer than the Diamond. There is a high demand for this precious stone.

Tanzanite is supposed to give the wearer very positive energy. Lift your spirits and look at the bright side of life with this valuable stone.

25th Wedding Anniversary

25th Wedding Anniversary: Silver

Silver year 25

Silver is widely accepted to mark the 25th jubilee. You don’t have to get jewelry.

There are tons of lovely silver items sold in shops today.

Take your time and find that something special made of silver.

30th Wedding Anniversary

30th Anniversary: Pearl

Pearls year 30

Pearls are what to give on the 3rd and 30th anniversary. Pearls are forever popular.

Pearls are connected to the goddess of love, Venus.

They represent all that is pure and true. Pearls express unspoiled love for that special person in your life.

35th Anniversary Gemstone

35th Anniversary Gemstone: Emerald

Emerald gemstone year 35

The 35th anniversary shares the Emerald with the 20th year.

It goes to show that the Emerald certainly is something to strive for.

If you didn’t get it for the 20th year, now is your second chance.

The Emerald is absolute love and devotion from the bottom of your heart.

40th Anniversary Gemstone

40th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Ruby

Ruby 40 years

The Ruby is the gemstone for both the 15th and the 40th anniversary.

It represents the tight bond between the married couple.

As you have been married 40 years it is safe to say that the pledge you made to each truly meant something.

45th Anniversary Gemstone

45th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Sapphire

Sapphire 45 years

The Sapphire is no doubt a popular stone to give to your lover. It is the anniversary stone of the 5th, 45th and 70th anniversary. It come in many colors, except red.

Many use Sapphire in their engagement ring as a symbol of true love.

The most famous Sapphire engagement ring is probably the one Prince Charles gave to Lady Diana Spencer.

Their son, Prince William gave the very same ring to Catherine Middleton when he proposed to her.

50th Wedding Anniversary

50th Wedding Anniversary: Gold

Gold 50 years

Gold speaks for its self. Gold is forever treasured. It is a symbol of richness and has been always been in high demand.

The majority of wedding rings are made from gold. Gold is the happy and successful marriage.

Being married for 50 years does certainly qualify for a unique and beautiful piece of gold jewelry.

55th Anniversary Gemstone

55th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Alexandrite

Alexandrite year 55

The Alexandrite is one of the rarest gemstones around.

It is much rarer than Rubies, Diamonds, Sapphires and Emeralds.

Being married 55 years is not common in our time and age.

This anniversary marks that you are special and have achieved something that is nor frequently accomplished. Alexandrite, a rare gem for a rare occasion.

60th Anniversary Gemstone

60th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Diamond

Diamond year 60

Diamonds are a symbol of commitment and true love.

Being married for 60 years truly does prove that you are committed to each other.

This anniversary certainly deserves a diamond! Diamonds are forever.

65th Anniversary Gemstone

65th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Blue Spinel

Blue Spinel year 65

The Spinel is the gemstone for the 22nd and 65th anniversary.

This year you want to make sure you get the blue version.

Lots of kisses and hugs and a piece of Blue Spinel, you’re in heaven!

Make the day perfect!

70th Anniversary Gemstone

70th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Sapphire

Sapphire year 70

Sapphire, we simply can’t get enough.

This is the third time the Sapphire is an anniversary gemstone.

The first two being the 5th and the 45th anniversary. Sapphire is love and the 70th year makes that love is here to stay.

75th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone

Diamond year 75

75th Anniversary Gemstone: Diamond

So, we return to the diamond, which is also the gemstone of the 10th and 60th anniversary.

Your devotions towards each other must be rock solid.

A beautiful diamond is an absolute must!

80th Anniversary Gemstone

80th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone: Ruby

Ruby 80 years

Married 80 years? All we can say is WOW and congratulations! You certainly deserve the greatest Ruby you can afford.

Not many people in the world get to celebrate an 80th wedding anniversary.

You are truly spectacular. You have proven to the world that love is forever! Happy Anniversary!

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1 thought on “Anniversary Gemstones”

  1. Hello,

    This article is good and to the point. Wedding gemstones are true and beautiful gifts which can be given to your partners.

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