Hamsa Hand

Hand of Fatima and the Hamsa Hand

Hamsa hand

The Hamsa Hand and the Hand of Fatima have become popular good luck symbols worldwide.

They are common symbols in both Jewish and Muslim communities.

In Jewish communities it is called the Hamsa Hand or the Hand of Miriam.

In Muslim communities it is called the Hand of Fatima or the Khamsa.

Hamsa is the Hebrew word for five. Likewise Khamsa is the Arabic word for five.

The Hamsa hand and the Hand of Fatima are equally best known for the power to protect the owner from the evil eye and bring happiness to the holder.

The holder of the Hamsa expects to be protected from all negative energies. The most common negative energy being envious glares from people wishing you no good.

Hamsa Hand Meaning

The Hamsa hand is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Some call these books “The Five Books of Moses”. Genesis starts with telling the story of the creation of the world and Deuteronomy ends with Moses dying in the land of Moab.

It may sometimes also be called “The Hand of Miriam”.

Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aron. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Aron became the first High Priest.

Miriam played an important role in the story of Moses and was highly respected.

Legend has it that it was due to Miriam’s virtues that the Israelites always found water during the forty years they wondered through the desert on their way towards the Promised land.

The well that seemed to follow the people of Israel is according to legend called Miriam’s well.

So Miriam came to represent protection, luck and happiness.

Fish Symbol on the Hamsa Hand

Many times the Hamsa hand is decorated with fish drawings. Fish are traditionally a symbol of good luck.

As the fish also lives in the water, it is completely immune to the powers of the evil eye.

The fish symbol on the Hamsa hand therefore strengthens the protection from the evil eye.

Eye Symbol on the Hamsa Hand

The eye drawing often found on the Hamsa represents the eye that sees everything. Nothing escapes this eye.

The eye watches out for the person in possession of the Hamsa and warns about and protects against evil encounters.

More and more people are seen wearing the Hamsa Hand or Hand of Fatima as amulets. There certainly is a lot of beautiful Hamsa Jewelry.

Order your Hamsa Hand today

Some people prefer larger pieces of this symbol. They may hang pictures of the Hamsa Hand/Fatima Hand on the wall in their home for protection and good blessings.

The Hand of Fatima

Hand Fatima

Fatima al Zahra was the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadija. “Al Zahra” is a title often used meaning “the shining one”.

She was married to her father’s cousin named Ali. She was the only child of Muhammad to give him grandchildren.

Shi’a Muslims believe Fatima to be pure, completely without sin.

The Hand of Fatima is considered a strong symbol of protection, power and strength.

Some places you may even find doorknockers formed as the Hand of Fatima.

That surely is intended to protect the home from evil and keep the household members safe.

The Hand of Fatima also represents the Five Pillars of Islam:

Faith, Prayer, Pilgrimage, Fasting and Charity.

Peace & Hope between the Jews and Muslims

Many peace activists who are completely devoted to the hope of Muslims and Jews living side by side in harmony may wear the Hamsa hand or the Fatima hand.

Worn in that context it may symbolize protection from evil and the forth bringing of happiness for both Jews and Muslim alike.

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