New Year Luck

New Year Superstitions

New Year Luck

Wishing all readers of Good Luck Symbols loads of New Year Luck!

There are so many New Year traditions and superstitions. Many just have only a few things that are important to them. Some make their own New Year tradition and others follow old traditions.

Here is a collection of some of the traditions, symbolism and superstitions for a lucky New Year.

Grapes for New Year Luck

grapes new year luck

In most Spanish speaking countries it is common to eat twelve grapes at midnight New Year’s Eve.

There is one grape for each of the twelve months.

You may make one wish for each grape you eat. Your goal is to finish all twelve grapes during the first minute of the New Year.

A Sweet New Year

As far back as in Ancient Rome it was customary to give and eat sweets for a happy and sweet year to come.

In Ancient Rome the sweets consisted of dates and figs soaked in honey.

Lentils for Prosperity

New year luck Lentils

Be sure to eat at least one teaspoon full of lentils on New Year’s Eve.

According to superstition this will help ensure an increase of wealth the coming year.

This is common tradition among many in South America.

Also in Italy many eat lentils for good luck and prosperity.

Black-Eyed Peas

In many parts of the United States, especially in the South, they make sure to include black-eyed peas in their meal on New Year’s Day.

This is vital to bring in good luck for the entire year.

Noodles for a Long Life

New Year Food noodles

In many parts of Asia and especially in Japan it is thought that eating long noodles is lucky. Long noodles represent a long life.

Everyone desires a long life so get those noodles cooking!

Rice for Wealth

Rice has a long history being associated with wealth. Rice dishes are wonderful for the New Year.

In Northern Italy many eat risotto for this reason.

Green Vegetables

Eat your green vegetables. This yummy and healthy food symbolizes money. In Bermuda they eat green pea soup for the same reason.

Pomegranate Seeds

On New Year’s Eve take seven pomegranate seeds and suck on them. Remove the seeds from your mouth and dry them on a paper towel.

Rap the seeds in paper and place them in your wallet. Keep the seeds in your wallet all year for increased wealth.

Vasilopita Cake

In Eastern Europe it is traditional to eat Vasilopita cake on January 1st, Saint Basil’s Day. A coin is hidden in the dough before baking the cake.

At midnight the cake is cut into as many pieces as there are people present.

Many may engrave a cross on the cake before cutting it. The pieces of vasilopita are handed out.

The oldest person in the party receives the first piece and then all the following pieces are handed out according to age.

Whoever gets the piece with the coin can expect extra good luck for the year. The lucky finder of the coin will often also receive a special gift.

Good Housekeeping for New Year Luck

Never ever do laundry on New Year’s Day. Washing clothes on this day symbolizes washing your loved one away.

Do not sweep your home on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. If you do, you will be sweeping your luck away.

Be sure to throw out your old broom on New Year’s Eve. Purchase a new broom for the coming year. Bring the new broom into your home on January 1st.

Get rid of old and broken stuff in your home. Clear the clutter. This will make room for new wonderful things to arrive the next year.

Make sure your home is clean. You do not want to bring old mess into the New Year.

Make sure you have food in your kitchen cupboards on the first day of the New Year. An extra bag of rice is especially lucky.

Open your door or windows early New Year’s Day. Let out the old air and bring in fresh new air into your home.

Never take anything out of your home before something new has been taken in.

Clothes for New Year Luck

Wear new clothes on New Year’s Day. That is supposed to bring good luck the following 365 days. You may look forward to being properly dressed in the year to come.

Wear new underwear. In many countries in South America the color of your underwear matters.

If you are longing for love, the obvious color would be red underwear.

new year lucky color

Anyone eager to have more money should definitely wear yellow underwear. Yellow is the most popular New Year color in countries like Peru and Bolivia.

White is for healthy peacemakers. White symbolizes health, hope and peace for the future.

Some may also choose to wear green for increased prosperity.

Happy Travels for the Year to Come

New Year Luck Travel

Many dream about all the wonderful places they would love to visit, but never have. In many parts of South America they do something about the matter.

If you would like to travel more the next year, be sure to have your suitcase ready.

On the first day of the New Year as early as possible you need to run around your house or the block you live in carrying your suitcase.

That should make your travels plans come true in the near future according to superstition.

Money Superstitions for New Year Luck

Make sure you have a coin or a dollar bill in your shoe.

new year luck wealth

Make sure there is at least some cash in your wallet. Do not greet the New Year with an empty wallet.

Never pay any bills on New Year’s Day or you will find yourself paying bills all year long.

It is naturally very good luck to start the year being debt free.

On New Year’s Day you can take twelve pennies out into the street. Throw them over your shoulder behind you. This is symbolic of getting rid of poverty.

Do not pick up the pennies you threw. That is bad luck, like bring your own poverty back into your life.

On the other hand if you find a coin that you did not drop yourself it is very good luck. It symbolizes that you gave been gifted with a new flow of money.

New Year Shoe Superstition

This superstition is for all single folks wondering if they will find true love this coming year. First you need to have a lucky shoe handy. It should be a shoe which makes you feel good and comfortable; a sort of “good vibes shoe”.

On New Years Day you throw the shoe up in the air and watch how it lands. If it lands on the right side up it is a prediction you will be getting engaged within a year.

If the shoe points in your direction you will be busy making wedding plans later this coming year. If it points away from you, you will get engaged but probably not marry this year.

Finally, if the shoe lands upside down, you will have to wait a little longer to meet the love of your life. Spend the year pursuing your own dreams instead and love will come later. Cation warning; please don’t take the silly shoe superstition too seriously.

Working on New Year’s Day

Yes, we know most people would rather relax and enjoy life on the first day on the year. Others need to work for a variety of reasons.

If you find yourself having to work on New Years Day, you should count your blessings. According to superstition any money you earn on New Years Day will return a hundredfold.

New Year Behavior and Attitude

Some people have a tradition of writing down all the miserable things that they experienced during the past year early on New Year’s Eve.

The paper with the depressing list is then burned or torn and thrown away. This is a symbolic act of letting go of bad memories.

Write down one goal you would like to achieve that would make you happy. Consider getting a daruma doll to remind yourself of your goal every day.

Do not engage yourself in any negative discussions. Dot not speak ill about the past year. Instead speak optimistically about the year to come.

Kiss and hug your loved ones and friends. Tell them you love them.

Be happy!



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